I to do too many things without devoting sufficient time to any one of them to become particularly good at it. Business, engineering, playing trombone, biking, singing, being a Dad, being a husband - and now blogging. So why should I harbour this conceit of publishing my thoughts? And why should you want to read them?
The answer to the first is fairly clear - I want to force myself to think again, something that I have not truly done since university. Egotistically, I want to push the results of these thoughts onto the web in order to force myself to find the right words, and to get as close as I can to a truth, however limited.
To the second question - why should you read this - I hope you have the answer. My hope is that some of what I write strikes a chord of recognition, a feeling of “Mitmensch” - being related in this form of humanity - and that it creates a little frisson of expectation that more is to come. Perhaps we share some interesting thoughts, perhaps we’re poles apart.
What I write should be well considered; I don’t want to waste any of our time as, I know all too well, it is spread far too thinly. What little we have should taste, sound or feel good.
Finally, I view it as a short history of who I am in an intellectual sense. If they are interested, maybe at least my daughters will browse through this blog (if it still exists) in the future to find out what complexities drive or at the time drove their otherwise boring old Dad.
An Introduction

Sebastian Abbott